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they have a house in the country as well as an apartment in Paris

  • 1 well

    well [wel]
    1. noun
    (for water, oil) puits m
    also well up [tears, emotion] monter
    (comparative better, superlative best)
       a. ( = satisfactorily, skilfully) [behave, sleep, eat, treat, remember] bien
    well done! bravo !
    well played! bien joué !
       b. (intensifying = very much, thoroughly) bien
    well over 1,000 people bien plus de 1 000 personnes
    well dodgy/annoyed (inf!) (British = very) super (inf) louche/contrarié
       c. ( = with good reason, with equal reason) one might well ask why on pourrait à juste titre demander pourquoi
    you might (just) as well say that... autant dire que...
       d. ► as well ( = also) aussi ; ( = on top of all that) par-dessus le marché
    and it rained as well! et par-dessus le marché il a plu !
       e. ( = positively) to think/speak well of penser/dire du bien de
    he has won the election! -- well, well, well! il a été élu ! -- tiens, tiens !
    well, what do you think of it? alors qu'en dites-vous ?
    well, here we are at last! eh bien ! nous voilà enfin !
    you know Paul? well, he's getting married vous connaissez Paul ? eh bien il se marie
    are you coming? -- well... I've got a lot to do here vous venez ? -- c'est que... j'ai beaucoup à faire ici
    (comparative, superlative best)
       a. bien, bon
    that's all very well but... tout ça c'est bien joli mais... (PROV) all's well that ends well(PROV) tout est bien qui finit bien
       b. ( = healthy) how are you? -- very well, thank you comment allez-vous ? -- très bien, merci
    get well soon! remets-toi vite !
       c. (cautious) it is as well to remember that... il ne faut pas oublier que...
    well-chosen/dressed bien choisi/habillé
    well-adjusted adjective [person] (gen) équilibré ; (to society, school) bien adapté
    well-advised adjective [action, decision] sage
    well-attended adjective [meeting, lecture, show, play] qui attire beaucoup de monde
    well-balanced adjective [person, diet, argument] équilibré
    well-behaved adjective [child] sage ; [animal] obéissant
    well-bred adjective ( = of good family) de bonne famille ; ( = courteous) bien élevé
    well-built adjective [building] bien construit ; [person] bien bâti
    well-cooked adjective [food, meal] bien cuisiné ; ( = not rare) [meat] bien cuit
    well-defined adjective [colours, distinctions, problem] bien défini ; [photo, outline] net
    well-founded adjective [suspicion] fondé
    well-groomed adjective [person] soigné ; [hair] bien coiffé
    well-judged adjective [remark, criticism] bien vu ; [shot, throw] bien ajusté ; [estimate] juste
    well-kept adjective [house, garden, hair] bien entretenu ; [hands, nails] soigné ; [secret] bien gardé
    well-known adjective ( = famous) célèbre
    it's a well-known fact that... tout le monde sait que... well-liked adjective très apprécié
    well-meaning adjective [person] bien intentionné ; [remark, action] fait avec les meilleures intentions
    well-off adjective ( = rich)
    well-preserved adjective [building, person] bien conservé
    well-rounded adjective [style] harmonieux ; [sentence] bien tourné
    well-timed adjective [remark, entrance] tout à fait opportun ; [blow] bien calculé
    well-worn adjective [carpet, clothes] usagé ; [phrase, expression] éculé
    * * *
    I 1. [wel]
    adjective (comparative better, superlative best)

    are you well? — vous allez bien?, tu vas bien?

    ‘how is he?’ - ‘as well as can be expected’ — ‘comment va-t-il?’ - ‘pas trop mal étant donné les circonstances’

    that's all very well, but — tout ça c'est bien beau, mais

    it's all very well for you to laugh, but — tu peux rire, mais

    3) ( prudent)
    4) ( fortunate)

    the flight was delayed, which was just as well — le vol a été retardé, ce qui n'était pas plus mal

    adverb (comparative better, superlative best)
    1) ( satisfactorily) bien

    to do well at school — être bon/bonne élève

    to do well by somebody — se montrer généreux/-euse avec quelqu'un

    she didn't come out of it very well — ( of situation) elle ne s'en est pas très bien sortie; (of article, programme etc) ce n'était pas très flatteur pour elle

    I can well believe it — je veux bien le croire, je n'ai pas de mal à le croire

    ‘shall I shut the door?’ - ‘you might as well’ — ‘est-ce que je ferme la porte?’ - ‘pourquoi pas’

    she looked shocked, as well she might — elle a eu l'air choquée, ce qui n'avait rien d'étonnant

    3) ( intensifier) bien, largement

    the weather remained fine well into September — le temps est resté au beau fixe pendant une bonne partie du mois de septembre

    exclamation ( expressing astonishment) eh bien!; (expressing indignation, disgust) ça alors!; ( expressing disappointment) tant pis!; (after pause in conversation, account) bon; ( qualifying statement) enfin

    well, you may be right — après tout, tu as peut-être raison

    well, that's too bad — c'est vraiment dommage

    well then, what's the problem? — alors, quel est le problème?

    oh well, there's nothing I can do about it — ma foi, je n'y peux rien

    well, well, well, so you're off to America? — alors comme ça, tu pars aux États-Unis!

    as well adverbial phrase aussi
    as well as prepositional phrase aussi bien que

    to be well in with somebody — (colloq) être bien avec quelqu'un (colloq)

    to leave well alone GB ou well enough alone USne pas s'en mêler

    you're well out of it! — (colloq) heureusement que tu n'as plus rien à voir avec ça!

    II 1. [wel]
    noun ( in ground) puits m; ( pool) source f
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-French dictionary > well

  • 2 well

    1 ( in good health) to feel well se sentir bien ; are you well? vous allez bien?, tu vas bien? ; I'm very well, thank you je vais très bien, merci ; she's not well enough to travel elle n'est pas en état de voyager ; he's not a well man il a des problèmes de santé ; people who are well don't need doctors les gens qui se portent bien n'ont pas besoin de médecin ; she doesn't look at all well elle n'a pas l'air en forme du tout ; to get well se rétablir ; get well soon! rétablis-toi vite! ; ‘how is he?’-‘as well as can be expected’ ‘comment va-t-il?’-‘pas trop mal étant donné les circonstances’ ;
    2 (in satisfactory state, condition) bien ; all is well tout va bien ; she began to fear that all was not well elle commençait à craindre qu'il y eût un problème ; all is not well in their marriage il y a des problèmes dans leur mariage ; I hope all is well with you j'espère que tout va bien pour vous ; all being well, I'll be home before six si tout va bien, je serai à la maison avant six heures ; that's all very well, but tout ça c'est bien beau or joli, mais ; it's all very well to go on strike, but c'est bien beau or joli de faire la grève, mais ; it's all very well for you to laugh, but tu peux rire, mais ; that's all very well for him, but some of us have to work for a living tant mieux pour lui, mais certains d'entre nous doivent gagner leur vie ; if you think you can cope on your own, well and good si tu penses que tu peux te débrouiller tout seul, c'est très bien ;
    3 (advisable, prudent) it would be just as well to check il vaudrait mieux vérifier ; it would be as well for you not to get involved tu ferais mieux de ne pas t'en mêler ; it might be as well to telephone first il vaudrait mieux téléphoner d'abord, ce serait peut-être aussi bien de téléphoner d'abord ;
    4 ( fortunate) it was just as well for him that the shops were still open il a eu de la chance que les magasins étaient encore ouverts ; it's just as well you're not hungry, because I didn't buy any food c'est aussi bien que tu n'aies pas faim, parce que je n'ai rien acheté à manger ; the flight was delayed, which was just as well le vol a été retardé, ce qui n'était pas plus mal.
    1 ( satisfactorily) [treat, behave, feed, eat, sleep, perform etc] bien ; to work well [person] bien travailler, [system] bien marcher ; these scissors cut well ces ciseaux coupent bien ; he isn't eating very well il ne mange pas beaucoup ; she can play the piano as well as her sister elle joue du piano aussi bien que sa sœur ; that boy will do well ce garçon ira loin ; he hasn't done as well as he might il n'a pas réussi aussi bien qu'il aurait pu ; I did well in the general knowledge questions je me suis bien débrouillé pour les questions de culture générale ; to do well at school être bon/bonne élève ; mother and baby are both doing well la mère et l'enfant se portent bien ; the operation went well l'opération s'est bien passée ; you did well to tell me tu as bien fait de me le dire ; he would do well to remember that il ferait bien de se rappeler que ; we'll be doing well if we get there on time on aura de la chance si on arrive à l'heure ; if all goes well si tout va bien ; all went well until tout allait bien jusqu'à ce que ; well done! bravo! ; well played! bien joué! ; he has done very well for himself since he became self-employed il s'en tire très bien depuis qu'il travaille à son compte ; to do oneself well bien se soigner ; to do well by sb se montrer généreux/-euse avec qn ; they're doing quite well out of the mail-order business leur affaire de vente par correspondance marche très bien ; some businessmen did quite well out of the war certains hommes d'affaires se sont enrichis pendant la guerre ; she didn't come out of it very well ( of situation) elle ne s'en est pas très bien sortie ; (of article, programme etc) ce n'était pas très flatteur pour elle ; as I know only too well comme je ne le sais que trop bien ; he is well able to look after himself il est assez grand pour se débrouiller tout seul ;
    2 ( used with modal verbs) you may well be right il se pourrait bien que tu aies raison ; I might well go there il se pourrait bien que j'y aille, je pourrais bien y aller ; the concert might very well be cancelled il est bien possible que le concert soit annulé ; I can well believe it je veux bien le croire, je n'ai pas de mal à le croire ; it may well be that il se pourrait bien que (+ subj), il est bien possible que (+ subj) ; I couldn't very well say no je pouvais difficilement dire non ; you may well ask! je me le demande bien!, alors ça, si je le savais! ; we might just as well have stayed at home on aurait aussi bien fait de rester à la maison ; we may as well go home on ferait aussi bien de rentrer ; one might well ask why the police were not informed on est en droit de se demander pourquoi la police n'a pas été informée ; ‘shall I shut the door?’-‘you might as well’ ‘est-ce que je ferme la porte?’-‘pourquoi pas’ ; he offered to pay for the damage, as well he might! il a proposé de payer pour les dégâts, c'était la moindre des choses! ; she looked shocked, as well she might elle a eu l'air choquée, ce qui n'avait rien d'étonnant ; we didn't panic, as well we might (have done) nous n'avons pas paniqué, alors qu'il y avait de quoi ;
    3 ( intensifier) bien, largement ; to be well over the speed limit être bien au-dessus de la vitesse autorisée, avoir largement dépassé la vitesse autorisée ; she is well over 30 elle a bien plus de 30 ans ; she looks well over 30 elle fait largement 30 ans ; there were well over a hundred people il y avait largement plus de cent personnes ; the house is well over a hundred years old la maison a bien plus de cent ans ; the museum is well worth a visit le musée mérite vraiment la visite ; it was well worth waiting for ça valait vraiment la peine d'attendre ; the weather remained fine well into September le temps est resté au beau fixe pendant une bonne partie du mois de septembre ; she was active well into her eighties elle était toujours active même au-delà de ses quatre-vingts ans ; temperatures are well up in the twenties les températures dépassent largement vingt degrés ; profits are well above/below average les bénéfices sont nettement supérieurs/inférieurs à la moyenne ; stand well back from the kerb tenez-vous bien à l'écart du bord du trottoir ; the house is situated well back from the road la maison est située bien à l'écart de la route ; it was well after midnight il était bien après minuit ; it went on until well after midnight ça s'est prolongé bien au-delà de minuit ; the party went on well into the night la soirée a continué tard dans la nuit ;
    4 ( approvingly) to speak/think well of sb dire/penser du bien de qn ;
    5 to wish sb well souhaiter beaucoup de chance à qn ; I wish you well of it! iron je vous souhaite bien du plaisir! iron ;
    6 as well ( also) aussi ; as well as ( in addition to) aussi bien que ; is Tom coming as well? est-ce que Tom vient aussi? ; you know as well as I do why he left tu sais aussi bien que moi pourquoi il est parti ; he is studying Italian as well as French il étudie à la fois l'italien et le français ; I worked on Saturday as well as on Sunday j'ai travaillé samedi et dimanche ; they have a house in the country as well as an apartment in Paris ils ont une maison à la campagne ainsi qu'un appartement à Paris ; by day as well as by night de jour comme de nuit ;
    7 GB it was well good! ou well bad! ( in approval) c'était d'enfer !
    C excl
    1 ( expressing astonishment) eh bien! ; (expressing indignation, disgust) ça alors! ; ( expressing disappointment) tant pis! ; (after pause in conversation, account) bon ; ( qualifying statement) enfin ; well, who would have thought it! eh bien, qui aurait pu croire ça! ; well, I think so eh bien, je crois ; well, you may have a point, but bon or d'accord, ce que tu dis est peut-être vrai, mais ; well, you may be right après tout, tu as peut-être raison ; well, as I was saying bon, comme je disais ; well, that's too bad c'est vraiment dommage ; well then, what's the problem? alors, quel est le problème? ; they've gone already? oh well! ils sont déjà partis? tant pis! ; oh well, there's nothing I can do about it ma foi, je n'y peux rien ; well, well, well, if it isn't my aunt Violet! ma parole, c'est ma tante Violet! ; well, well, well, so you're off to America? alors comme ça, tu pars aux États-Unis! ; the weather was good, well, good for March il faisait beau, enfin beau pour un mois de mars ; ‘he said he'd kill himself’-‘well, did he?’ ‘il a dit qu'il se tuerait’-‘eh bien or et alors, est-ce qu'il l'a fait?’ ; very well then très bien.
    all's well that ends well Prov tout est bien qui finit bien ; to be well in with sb être bien avec qn ; to be well up in sth s'y connaître en qch ; to leave well alone GB ou well enough alone US ( not get involved) ne pas s'en mêler ; I would leave well alone if I were you moi à ta place je ne m'en mêlerais pas ; you're well out of it ! heureusement que tu n'as plus rien à voir avec ça! ; well and truly bel et bien ; well and truly over/lost bel et bien fini/perdu.
    A n
    1 ( sunk in ground) puits m ; to get one's water from a well tirer son eau d'un puits ;
    2 ( pool) source f ;
    3 Constr (shaft for stairs, lift) cage f ;
    4 GB Jur ( in law court) barreau m.
    B vi = well up.
    well up monter ; tears welled up in my eyes les larmes me sont montées aux yeux ; anger welled up inside me j'ai senti la colère monter en moi.

    Big English-French dictionary > well

  • 3 AS

    [ forma debole əz] [ forma forte æz] 1.

    as usual — come di solito, come al solito

    as I see it — per come la vedo io, secondo me

    knowing you as I do, you'll never get your degree — conoscendoti, non ti laureerai mai

    he lives abroad, as does his sister — vive all'estero, come sua sorella

    as with so many people in the 1960s, she... — come molte altre persone negli anni '60, lei...

    as with so much in this country, the system needs to be modernized — come molte altre cose in questo paese, il sistema ha bisogno di essere modernizzato

    2) (while, when) mentre; (over more gradual period of time) man mano che, via via che

    as he grew older, he grew richer — con il passare degli anni, diventava più ricco

    as a child, he... — da bambino, lui

    3) (because, since) siccome, poiché, dato che

    as you were out, I left a note — dato che eri uscito, ti ho lasciato un biglietto

    strange as it may seem, she never returned — sebbene possa sembrare strano, lei non ritornò mai

    comfortable as the house is, it's still very expensive — per quanto sia comoda, la casa è comunque troppo cara

    try as he might, he could not forget it — per quanto ci provasse, non riusciva a dimenticare


    the same... as — lo stesso... che

    7) as if come se

    he looked at me as if to say "I told you so" — mi guardò come per dire "te l'avevo detto"

    as if by accident, magic — come per caso, per magia

    2) (showing function, status) come, in qualità di

    speaking as his closest friend, I... — parlando come suo migliore amico, io...

    to treat sb. as an equal — trattare qcn. come un proprio pari

    4) as against contro, in confronto a

    75% this year as against 35% last year — il 75% di quest'anno contro il 35% dell'anno scorso

    5) as for quanto a, riguardo a
    6) as from, as of a partire da
    7) as such come, in quanto tale
    8) as to quanto a, riguardo a
    1) (expressing degree, extent)

    as... as... — così... come..., tanto... quanto...

    he is not as o so intelligent as you non è intelligente come te; he can't walk as fast as he used to non riesce più a camminare così velocemente come faceva un tempo; as fast as you can il più velocemente possibile; he's twice as strong as me è due volte più forte di me, ha il doppio della mia forza; I paid as much as he did ho pagato tanto quanto lui; as much, little as possible il più, meno possibile; as soon as possible il più presto o prima possibile; not nearly as much as non si avvicina neanche a, molto meno di; not as often non così spesso; the population may increase by as much as 20% l'aumento della popolazione può raggiungere ben il 20%, la popolazione può aumentare ben del 20%; as many as 10,000 people attended the demonstration ben 10.000 persone parteciparono alla manifestazione; she can play the piano as well as her sister suona il piano bene come sua sorella; they have a house in Nice as well as an apartment in Paris — hanno una casa a Nizza e un appartamento a Parigi

    as before, she... — come prima, lei...

    * * *
    [æz] 1. conjunction
    1) (when; while: I met John as I was coming home; We'll be able to talk as we go.) mentre, quando
    2) (because: As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present.) siccome, poiché
    3) (in the same way that: If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do.) come
    4) (used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case: As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow.) come
    5) (though: Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go.) come; sebbene, per quanto
    6) (used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person: Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry.) così come
    2. adverb
    (used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) come, così (...) come (...), altrettanto (...) quanto (...)
    3. preposition
    1) (used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) come, quanto
    2) (like: He was dressed as a woman.) come
    3) (with certain verbs eg regard, treat, describe, accept: I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults.) come
    4) (in the position of: He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician.) come, in quanto
    - as if / as though
    - as to
    * * *
    1. n abbr Am
    Univ, (= Associate in Sciences) laurea in discipline scientifiche
    2. abbr Am
    Post, (= American Samoa)
    * * *
    [ forma debole əz] [ forma forte æz] 1.

    as usual — come di solito, come al solito

    as I see it — per come la vedo io, secondo me

    knowing you as I do, you'll never get your degree — conoscendoti, non ti laureerai mai

    he lives abroad, as does his sister — vive all'estero, come sua sorella

    as with so many people in the 1960s, she... — come molte altre persone negli anni '60, lei...

    as with so much in this country, the system needs to be modernized — come molte altre cose in questo paese, il sistema ha bisogno di essere modernizzato

    2) (while, when) mentre; (over more gradual period of time) man mano che, via via che

    as he grew older, he grew richer — con il passare degli anni, diventava più ricco

    as a child, he... — da bambino, lui

    3) (because, since) siccome, poiché, dato che

    as you were out, I left a note — dato che eri uscito, ti ho lasciato un biglietto

    strange as it may seem, she never returned — sebbene possa sembrare strano, lei non ritornò mai

    comfortable as the house is, it's still very expensive — per quanto sia comoda, la casa è comunque troppo cara

    try as he might, he could not forget it — per quanto ci provasse, non riusciva a dimenticare


    the same... as — lo stesso... che

    7) as if come se

    he looked at me as if to say "I told you so" — mi guardò come per dire "te l'avevo detto"

    as if by accident, magic — come per caso, per magia

    2) (showing function, status) come, in qualità di

    speaking as his closest friend, I... — parlando come suo migliore amico, io...

    to treat sb. as an equal — trattare qcn. come un proprio pari

    4) as against contro, in confronto a

    75% this year as against 35% last year — il 75% di quest'anno contro il 35% dell'anno scorso

    5) as for quanto a, riguardo a
    6) as from, as of a partire da
    7) as such come, in quanto tale
    8) as to quanto a, riguardo a
    1) (expressing degree, extent)

    as... as... — così... come..., tanto... quanto...

    he is not as o so intelligent as you non è intelligente come te; he can't walk as fast as he used to non riesce più a camminare così velocemente come faceva un tempo; as fast as you can il più velocemente possibile; he's twice as strong as me è due volte più forte di me, ha il doppio della mia forza; I paid as much as he did ho pagato tanto quanto lui; as much, little as possible il più, meno possibile; as soon as possible il più presto o prima possibile; not nearly as much as non si avvicina neanche a, molto meno di; not as often non così spesso; the population may increase by as much as 20% l'aumento della popolazione può raggiungere ben il 20%, la popolazione può aumentare ben del 20%; as many as 10,000 people attended the demonstration ben 10.000 persone parteciparono alla manifestazione; she can play the piano as well as her sister suona il piano bene come sua sorella; they have a house in Nice as well as an apartment in Paris — hanno una casa a Nizza e un appartamento a Parigi

    as before, she... — come prima, lei...

    English-Italian dictionary > AS

  • 4 as

    A conj
    1 ( in the manner that) comme ; as you can see, I am very busy comme vous le voyez, je suis très occupé ; as you know comme vous le savez ; as usual comme d'habitude ; as is usual in such cases comme c'est l'usage en pareil cas ; do as I say fais ce que je te dis ; as I see it à mon avis ; as I understand it autant que je puisse en juger ; he likes reading, as I do il aime la lecture, (tout) comme moi ; loving Paris as I do, I couldn't bear to live anywhere else j'aime tellement Paris que je ne pourrais pas vivre ailleurs ; knowing you as I do, it didn't surprise me je te connais tellement bien que ça ne m'a pas étonné ; the street as it looked in the 1930s la rue telle qu'elle était dans les années 30 ; as often happens comme c'est souvent le cas ; just as he dislikes the theatre, so too does he dislike opera il déteste l'opéra tout autant que le théâtre ; as he lived, so did he die il est mort comme il a vécu ; he lives abroad, as does his sister il vit à l'étranger, tout comme sa sœur ; clad as he was only in a towel, he did not want to answer the door comme il n'était vêtu que d'une serviette, il ne voulait pas aller ouvrir la porte ; leave it as it is laisse-le tel quel ; I'm overworked as it is je suis déjà assez débordé comme ça ; we're in enough trouble as it is nous avons déjà assez d'ennuis comme ça ; ‘as is’ Comm ‘en l'état’ ; I bought the apartment as it was j'ai acheté l'appartement tel quel ; as one man to another d'homme à homme ; as with so many people in the 1960s, she… comme beaucoup de personnes dans les années 60, elle… ; as with so much in this country, the system needs to be modernized comme beaucoup de choses dans ce pays, le système a besoin d'être modernisé ; as it were pour ainsi dire ; as you were! Mil repos! ; two is to four as four is to eight Math deux est à quatre ce que quatre est à huit ;
    2 (while, when) alors que ; ( over more gradual period of time) au fur et à mesure que ; he came in as she was coming down the stairs il est entré alors qu'elle descendait l'escalier ; as she grew older, she grew richer au fur et à mesure qu'elle vieillissait, elle devenait plus riche ; as a child, he… (quand il était) enfant, il… ;
    3 (because, since) comme, puisque ; as you were out, I left a note comme or puisque vous étiez sortis, j'ai laissé un petit mot ; as she is sick, she cannot go out étant donné qu'elle est malade, elle ne peut pas sortir ;
    4 ( although) strange as it may seem, she never returned aussi curieux que cela puisse paraître, elle n'est jamais revenue ; comfortable as the house is, it's still very expensive aussi confortable que soit la maison, elle reste quand même très chère ; try as he might, he could not forget it il avait beau essayer, il ne pouvait pas oublier ; much as I like you, I have to say that je t'aime bien, mais il faut que je te dise que ; be that as it may quoi qu'il en soit ;
    5 the same…as le/la même…que ; I've got a jacket the same as yours j'ai la même veste que toi ; the same man as I saw last week le même homme que j'ai vu la semaine dernière ; the same as always comme d'habitude ; he works for the same company as me il travaille pour la même entreprise que moi ;
    6 ( expressing purpose) so as to do pour faire, afin de faire ; he left early so as to be on time il est parti de bonne heure afin de or pour ne pas être en retard ; she opened the door quietly so as not to wake him elle a ouvert la porte doucement afin de or pour ne pas le réveiller.
    B as and when conj phr as and when the passengers arrive au fur et à mesure que les voyageurs arrivent ; as and when the need arises quand il le faudra, quand le besoin s'en fera sentir ; as and when you want à votre convenance.
    C as if conj phr comme (si) ; it' s not as if she hadn't been warned! ce n'est pas comme si elle n'avait pas ét é prévenue! ; he looked at me as if to say ‘I told you so’ il m'a regardé avec l'air de dire ‘je te l'avais bien dit’ ; it looks as if we've lost on dirait que nous avons perdu ; as if by accident/magic comme par hasard/magie ; as if I cared! comme si ça me faisait quelque chose!
    D prep
    1 ( in order to appear to be) comme, en ; to be dressed as a sailor être habillé comme un marin or en marin ; disguised as a clown déguisé en clown ; in the book he is portrayed as a victim dans ce livre on le présente comme une victime ;
    2 (showing function, status) comme ; he works as a pilot/engineer il travaille comme pilote/ingénieur ; a job as a teacher un poste d'enseignant ; she has a reputation as a tough businesswoman elle a la réputation d'être dure en affaires ; speaking as his closest friend, I… comme je suis son meilleur ami, je voudrais dire que je… ; I like her as a person, but not as an artist je l'aime bien en tant que personne mais pas en tant qu'artiste ; my rights as a parent mes droits en tant que parent ; film as an art form le cinéma en tant qu'art ; as a lexicographer, he has a special interest in words en tant que lexicographe il s'intéresse tout particulièrement aux mots ; with Lauren Bacall as Vivien Cin, Theat avec Lauren Bacall dans le rôle de Vivien ;
    3 ( other uses) to treat sb as an equal traiter qn en égal ; he was quoted as saying that il aurait dit que ; it came as a shock to learn that ça a été un véritable choc d'apprendre que ; think of it as an opportunity to meet new people dis-toi que ça va être l'occasion de faire de nouvelles connaissances.
    E as against prep phr contre, comparé à ; 75% this year as against 35% last year 75% cette année contre 35% l'année dernière.
    F as for prep phr quant à, pour ce qui est de ; as for the children pour ce qui est des enfants, quant aux enfants ; as for him, he can go to hell ! lui, il peut aller se faire voir !
    G as from, as of prep phr à partir de ; as from ou of now/April à partir de maintenant/du mois d'avril ; as of yet jusqu'ici, jusqu'à présent.
    H as such prep phr en tant que tel ; he doesn't believe in religion as such il ne croit pas à la religion en tant que telle ; they are your equals and should be treated as such ce sont vos égaux et vous devriez les traiter comme tels or en tant que tels.
    I as to prep phr sur, quant à ; this gave them no clue as to his motives/as to his whereabouts cela ne leur a rien appris sur ses intentions/sur l'endroit où il se trouvait.
    J adv
    1 (expressing degree, extent) as… as… aussi… que… ; he is as intelligent as you il est aussi intelligent que toi ; he is not as ou so intelligent as you il n'est pas aussi intelligent que toi ; he's just as intelligent as you il est tout aussi intelligent que toi ; she can't walk as fast as she used to elle ne peut plus marcher aussi vite qu'avant ; as fast as you can aussi vite que possible ; as strong as an ox fort comme un bœuf ; he's twice as strong as me il est deux fois plus fort que moi ; it's not as good as all that ce n'est pas si bien que ça ; I paid as much as she did j'ai payé autant qu'elle ; as much as possible autant que possible ; as little as possible le moins possible ; as soon as possible dès que possible ; not nearly as much as beaucoup moins que ; not as often moins souvent ; their profits are down by as much as 30% leurs bénéfices ont connu une baisse de 30%, ni plus ni moins ; the population may increase by as much as 20% l'augmentation de la population risque d'atteindre 20% ; as many as 10,000 people attended the demonstration il n'y avait pas moins de 10 000 personnes à la manifestation ; by day as well as by night de jour comme de nuit ; she can play the piano as well as her sister elle joue du piano aussi bien que sa sœur ; they have a house in Nice as well as an apartment in Paris ils ont une maison à Nice ainsi qu'un appartement à Paris ; as well as being a poet, he is a novelist il est poète et romancier ;
    2 ( expressing similarity) comme ; as before, she… comme avant, elle… ; they tried to carry on as before ils essayaient de continuer comme avant ; I thought as much! c'est ce qu'il me semblait! ; V as in Victor V comme Victor.

    Big English-French dictionary > as

  • 5 get

    1. I
    1) I have 10 shillings more to get мне надо достать еще десять шиллингов
    2) she gave him as good as she got она дала ему сдачи
    2. II
    1) get somewhere get here (home, thus far, abroad, etc.) приезжать /добираться, попадать/ сюда и т. д.; he forgot the key and couldn't get in он забыл ключ и не мог попасть в дом; the door was locked and we could not get out дверь была заперта [на ключ], и мы не могли войти; the train is starting, you must get in поезд отправляется, вам надо войти в вагон; I have no ticket, will I be able to get in? у меня нет билета, мне можно пройти /меня пропустят/? get out! вылезай(те)!, выходи(те)!; please, let me get by пожалуйста, пропустите меня /разрешите мне пройти/; get ashore сходить /высаживаться/ на берег; get astray заблудиться; rumours (reports, etc.) get abroad ходят /распространяются/ слухи и т. д.; this piece of news has got abroad эта новость стала широко известна; such sensations get abroad такого рода сенсационные сообщения становятся достоянием широкой публики; he'll soon get there он там скоро будет, он туда скоро попадет; your letter got there yesterday ваше письмо там получили /пришло туда/ вчера; how (lid these flowers get there? как туда попали эти цветы?: he got home quickly он быстро добрался до дому: the bridge was destroyed and we couldn't get across мост был разрушен, и мы не могли попасть на ту сторону; the frontier is so well guarded that. no one can get across граница так надежно /хорошо/ охраняется, что никто не может ее перейти /что ее невозможно нарушить/; get down спуститься вниз: the cat climbed to the top of tile tree and couldn't get down кошка взобралась на вершину дерева и не могла слезть
    2) he tries hard but he never gets anywhere он много работает, но у него ничего не выходит, он прилагает много усилий, но ничего не может добиться; you'll get nowhere if you work so little если вы будете так мало работать, вы ничего не добьетесь: with courage we can get anywhere мужество поможет нам добиться всего; he is getting ahead splendidly у него дела идут прекрасно; at last we seem to be getting somewhere похоже, наконец у нас что-то получается
    3. III
    1) get smth. get an answer (a postcard, a telegram, good new?get information, a birthday present, a pension, wages, etc.) получать ответ и т.д., get confirmation получить подтверждение; he got a surprise его ждал сюрприз; where can I get permission? его можно получить разрешение?; get one's breakfast (one's dinner, etc.) позавтракать и т. д.; I could not get any supper я остался без ужина, я не смог поужинать || get a sight glimpse/ of smb., smth. увидеть кого-л., что-л.
    2) get smth., smb. where did you get the money? где вы достали /раздобыли/ деньги? get a hat (a new coat, same stamps, a new diary, etc.) приобретать /покупать/ шляпу и т. д.'; you had better get a new umbrella вам бы надо купить /вам нужен/ новый зонтик; where can I get this book? где можно достать /купить/ эту книгу? I got the book. needed я нашел /достал/ нужную мне книгу; I'll go and get some milk. get Some biscuits too a схожу за молоком. get Возьми еще и печенья. get the prize (a good crop, credit, much, little, etc.) получать приз и т. д., he has got the support of the directors он получил поддержку /добился поддержки/ директоров; get a profit получать прибыль; he got nothing ему ничего на досталось, get good results (advantage, power, fame, wealth, etc.) добиваться хороших результатов и т.д., I went and got some singing lessons я пошел и взял несколько уроков пения; get friends при обретать друзей; where do you get pupils? откуда вы берете учеников?; get a wife жениться; get knowledge of the subject овладевать каким-л. предметом || get possession of smth. завладеть /овладеть/ чем-л.; get one's own way добиться своего
    3) get smth., smb. get one's hat (one's stick, one's bag, etc.) взять [с собой] шляпу и т. д., wait till I get my coat подожди, я только возьму пальто; go and get the doctor сходи за врачом; hold the line, I'll go and get him не вешайте трубку, я сейчас ere позову /найду/
    4) get smth. the room (the house, etc.) gets no sun в комнату и т. д. совсем не попадает солнце; this room gets all the sun именно в эту комнату попадает солнце; I'll come and see you if I get the time я приеду повидать вас, если у меня будет время; she hoped to get a little sleep она надеялась, что немного поспит /что ей удастся немного поспать/; I'll go and get some sleep пойду сосну
    5) get smb.,smth. I didn't get him a) я не застал его; б) я не дозвонился ему; you got the wrong number вы ошиблись номером /вы не туда попали/
    6) get smb., smth. get the thief (the runaway, the culprit, a squirrel, etc.) поймать вора и т. д.; did he get his train он успел на поезд?; I decided to get the next train я решил сесть на следующий поезд
    7) get smth. get an illness заболеть; get a cold chill/ простудиться; get [the] measles (scarlet fever, typhus, etc.) заболеть корью, подхватить корь и т. д.; have you got a cold? у вас насморк?; get a bad fall (a slight hurt) сильно (слегка) ушибиться; get a blow (a shock, a nasty wound, etc.) получить удар и т. д.
    8) get smth. get ten years (six months, etc.) получить десять лет тюрьмы /тюремного заключения/ и т. д., быть приговоренным к десяти годам [тюремного заключения] и т. д.; you'll get a beating тебя ожидает порка, тебя высекут; you'll get a scolding тебя ожидает /ты получишь/ выговор; you'll get it! тебе влетит
    9) get smth., smb. coll. get the joke (smb.'s meaning, smb.'s idea, etc.) понимать шутку и т. д., I don't get it не понял; it is just between us, get it? это только между нами, попятно?; I didn't get your name я не разобрал /не расслышал/ вашего имени; I don't get you я вас не понимаю
    10) get smth. dividing nine by three we get three если разделить девять на три, получится три
    11) have got smth. I have got a new watch (a new suit, a new hat, a car, etc.) у меня [есть] новые часы и т. д; have you got a newspaper (the tickets, a pencil, an erasing-knife, etc)? у вас есть газета и т.д.? I've got no money у меня нет денег; she's got a lovely voice у нее красивый голос; he'll lose all he's got, if he isn't careful если он не будет более осмотрительным /осторожнее/, он потеряет все, что имеет
    4. IV
    1) get smth. at some time get the answer this morning (some money soon, etc.) получить ответ сегодня утром и т. д.; get money every month получать деньги каждый месяц; I get a letter every day каждый день мне приходит /я получаю/ письмо; in this hotel I get breakfast every morning в этой гостинице каждое утро дают /подают/ завтрак; get your dinner at once сейчас же пообедай; get smth. in some manner you got the answer right ты получил /у тебя получился/ правильный ответ
    2) get smth. in some manner get this horse (this coat, this bicycle, etc.) cheap (ly) дешево купить /приобрести/ лошадь и т. д., купить эту лошадь и т. д. по дешевке; get the book second-hand приобрести подержанную книгу, купить книгу у букиниста; get money easily легко зарабатывать /доставать, получать/ деньги; get this book easily достать эту книгу без затруднений
    3) get smb., smth. somewhere get him home (the old man upstairs, you there, the child up, etc.) отводить /доставлять, приводить/ его домой и т.д., get smb. in а) помочь кому-л. проникнуть куда-л.; б) втащить кого-л. вовнутрь; get smb. out а) помочь кому-л. выбраться откуда-л.; б) вытащить кого-л. откуда-л.; get the horses out вывести лошадей; what got you here? что вас привело сюда?; get this parcel home (the table here, etc.) доставлять посылку домой и т. д., get the chairs (the washing, some coal, etc.) in вносить стулья и т.д., I don't know how you'll ever get the box (the trunk, the piano, etc.) upstairs не знаю, как вы втащите этот ящик и т. д. наверх; get a mast up ставить мачту; get up a sunken vessel поднимать затонувшее судно; get smth. overboard выбрасывать что-л. за борт; get his letter (one's own books, my money, etc.) back получить обратно его письме и т. д., now I've got you back теперь вы вернулись ко мне
    4) get smb. at some time I'll get you yet! я еще вас поймаю!, вы еще мне попадетесь!; he got you that time! на этот раз он вас поймал!
    5) get smb. somewhere it will get him nowhere, it won't get him anywhere это ничего ему не даст, этим он ничего не добьется; all work and no play does not get you anywhere если работать и не отдыхать, толку будет мало
    6) get smb., smth. in some manner coll. I get you (your meaning, your idea, etc.) all right я хорошо понимаю вас и т. д.
    7) have got smth. somewhere what have you got there? что у вас там?
    5. V
    get smb. smth.
    1) get him a ticket (me a dictionary, them those pictures, etc.) доставать /покупать/ ему билет и т. д.; get me a good teacher (him a place. her another job, etc.) найдите мне хорошего преподавателя и т. д.
    2) get smb. a towel (me my hat, him another dictionary, her a chair, me some ink, etc.) принести кому-л. полотенце и т. д.; can you get me another pencil? вы можете принести /дать/ мне другой карандаш?
    3) get smb. smb., smth. get me the director (the hospital, the head teacher, etc.) соедините меня с директором и т. д.
    6. VI
    1) get smth., smb. in some state get dinner (breakfast, books, etc.) ready приготовить обед и т. д., she quickly got the children ready for school она быстро собрала детей в школу; get one's feet (one's clothes, etc.) wet промочить ноги и т. д.; get the windows open открыть окна; get everything right again снова навести везде порядок; get smb. free освободить кого-л., выпустить кого-л. на свободу; get the dog loose спустить собаку с цепи; it gets me down-hearted это приводит меня в уныние
    2) get smth. in some state get the sum right получить правильный ответ [в решении задачи], правильно решить задачу
    7. VII
    1) get smth., smb. to do smth. get something (nothing, etc.) to eat (to read, to play with, etc.) достать что-нибудь поесть и т. д.; get leave to go home получить отпуск для поездки домой; get smb. to clean the windows (to wash the floors, to do the room, etc.) найти кого-л. [, чтобы] вымыть окна и т. д.; I can't get anyone to do the work properly не могу найти человека, который выполнил бы эту работу как следует
    2) get smb., smth. to do smth. get your friend to help you (him to come, her to join us, your brother to introduce me to the chairman, etc.) убедить /заставить/ вашего приятеля /друга/ помочь вам и т. д.; get a fire to burn разжечь огонь или костер; get this door to shut properly починить дверь, чтобы она закрывалась как следует; I can never get him to go to bed я никогда не могу уложить его спать; get him to tell her about it уговорите его рассказать ей об этом; you will not be able to get a tree to grow in this soil вам не удастся вырастить дерево на такой почве
    3) Have got smth. to do I have got very much /lots of work/ to do у меня очень много работы /дел/, мне надо очень много сделать; what have you got to say? что вы можете сказать?
    8. VIII
    get smth., smb. doing smth.get the clock (the work, the typewriter, etc.) going наладить часы и т. д; at last he got the stone rolling наконец ему удалось сдвинуть камень, и тот покатился; she got everybody singing все подхватили ее песню; она заставила всех петь; I'll get her talking а) я заставлю ее заговорить; б) я разговорю ее; that got him guessing это заставило его теряться в догадках
    9. IX
    1) get smth., smb. done I must get the book bound (my passport endorsed, the work done, my shoes repaired, etc.) мне нужно [отдать] переплести книгу и т. д.; we are getting our apartment newly papered мы заново оклеиваем [обоями] квартиру; I shall get my hair cut я постригусь; can you get the work finished in time (by evening)? a) вы можете закончить работу вовремя (к вечеру)?; б) вы можете добиться, чтобы работа была готова вовремя (к вечеру)?; where can I this printed (my piano tuned, my shoes soled, etc.)? где мне / я могу/ это напечатать и т. д.?; I want to get my coat mended я хочу починить /отдать в починку/ пальто; get the laws obeyed (my words believed, etc.) добиться [того], чтобы законы выполнялись /соблюдались/ и т. д.; get oneself appointed (noticed, chosen, etc.) сделать так, чтобы тебя назначили и т. д., they got him elected chairman они провели его в председатели
    2) get smb. in some state get a man drunk напоить человека; get smb. dressed (washed, fed, etc.) одеть и т. д. кого-л.; it gets me discouraged я от этого прихожу в уныние; he got his face scratched (his wrist broken, etc.) он расцарапал лицо и т. д.
    10. X
    get into some state get married (dressed, shaved, brushed clean, confused, hurt, etc.) жениться и т.д., get drunk напиваться; get tired уставать; get frozen замерзать; he got drowned он утонул; you must get done /finished/ with it с этим нужно покончить /кончать/; get used /accustomed/ to the climate here (to the customs and manners over here, to sitting up late, to the rolling of a ship, etc.) привыкать к здешнему климату и т. д., he got fired /dismissed/ (severely wounded, killed, etc.) его уволили /выгнали/ и т. д.; he got paid for this ему за это заплатили; he got mixed up with dishonest men он связался с дурной компанией; they got left behind они отстали; that vase will get broken эта ваза разобьется; everything gets known все становится известным || get rid of smb., smth. отделываться /избавляться/ от кого-л., чего-л.; get rid of a troublesome visitor (of a lazy servant, of the old car, of an engagement, etc.) избавиться /отделаться/ от назойливого посетителя и т. д.
    11. XI
    1) be got the thing is not to be got fay вещь нельзя достать
    2) be got at the soul of a people can be got at fully only through, the knowledge of its language душу народа можно познать только через его язык
    3) be got at coll. the witness (the press, the voters, etc.) have been got at свидетели и т. д. были подкуплены
    12. ХIII
    1) get to do smth. soon she got to like her job скоро ей начала нравиться /понравилась/ ее работа, она вскоре полюбила свой работу;how did you get to know it? как вы об этом узнали?, как вам удалось это узнать?; they got to be friends они стали друзьями; you'll like him when /once/ you get to know him когда вы его узнаете, вы его полюбите
    2) have got to do smth. we've got to go (to write a letter, to listen to what he says, to leave early to catch my train, to pass this examination, etc.) нам необходимо /мы должны/ идти и т.д., it has got to be done это должно быть сделано /надо сделать/; she's got to work hard for her living ей приходится много работать, чтобы заработать на жизнь
    3) id have got to do with smth. what's that got to do with us? какое это имеет отношение к нам?
    13. XIV
    get doing smth.,get moving (rolling, singing, etc.) начать двигаться и т. д.; when these women get talking they go on for hours когда эти женщины начнут разговаривать /болтать/, их не остановишь; we got talking of the future мы стали говорить /заговорили/ о будущем; they wanted to get going on the construction of the house они хотели приступить к строительству дома; if we don't get doing we'll never arrive in time если мы не тронемся в путь, мы ни за что не приедем вовремя; things haven't really got going yet дела еще фактически не сдвинулись с места /с мертвой точки/; let's get going! пошли!, пойдём!, поёхали!
    13. XV
    get into some state get warmer (worse and worse, uglier every day, etc.) становиться теплее и т. д.; get grey (old, silly, poor, red in the face, etc.) поседеть и т. д.; get well поправляться, выздоравливать; he is getting better ему уже лучше; get asleep засыпать; I am getting thirsty (sleepy, hungry. etc.) мне захотелось пить и т. д., the children will get wet (hungry, etc.) дети вымокнут /промокнут/ и т. д.; he got rich он разбогател; he got mad at the message записка его разозлила; он разозлился на записку; they got closer to each other они сблизились, они стали ближе друг другу; it got rainy пошли дожди; it got foggy опустился туман; the sky got cloudy небо заволокло тучами; it is getting dark (cold, warm, etc.) темнеет и т. д. it is getting late уже поздно; the fire is getting low костер гаснет /угасает/; things are getting better дела идут все лучше
    14. XVI
    1) get into (out of, through, over, up, across, at, etc.) smth. get into the room (into town, into a bar, etc.) попадать /входить/ в комнату и т. д.; the burglar got into the kitchen through the window грабитель проник /влез/ в кухню через окно; get into a car сесть /влезть/ в автомобиль /в машину/; get into the saddle сесть /взобраться/ в седло; something has got into my eye мне что-то попало в глаз this story got into the newspapers эта история попала в газеты; where has that book got to? куда запропастилась /делась/ эта книга?; get to the station (to London, to the office, etc.) добраться до вокзала и т. д.; where did you get to yesterday? куда вы делись /где вы были/ вчера?; get out, of a train (out of a bus, out of a carriage, etc.) выходить из поезда и т. д., get out of bed! вставайте!; get out of here (out of this house)! прочь отсюда (из этого дома)!; get out of the way of a car посторониться и пропустить машину; get out of smb.'s way уйти с чьей-л. дороги; get through the hole in the wall (through the eye of a needle, through a gap, through a crack, etc.) пролезать через дыру в стене и т. д.; get over a fence (over a wall, over a stile, etc.) перелезать через забор и т. д.; get over /across/ a river переправляться через реку; get across tile street (across /over/ the bridge, across the frontier, etc.) перейти на другую сторону улицы и т. д.; he got above the clouds он поднялся над облаками; get under the hedge (under the wire netting, under the rope, etc.) пролезать под изгородью и т. д.; get under some old boxes (under some bushes, etc.) залезать /закатиться/ под старые ящики и т. д.; under the wheels (under а motor-саг, etc.) попасть под колеса и т. д.; the cat got under the bed (under the fence, etc.) кошка шмыгнула под кровать и т. д.; get at the top shelf (at the ripest fruit, at one's luggage, etc.) дотянуться /достать/ до верхней полки и т. д.; keep medicines where children can't get at them убирайте лекарства так, чтобы дети не смогли их достать; the dog could not get at me собака не могла меня достать; let me get at him coll. дайте мне только до него добраться; get down a tree (down a fence, etc.) слезать с дерева и т. д., get up a ladder (up a hill, up a tree, etc.) взбираться на лестницу и т. д.; get by the guard (by the policeman, etc.) проскользнуть мимо часового и т. д.; get before the crowd (before the procession, before the column of marchers, etc.) обогнать толпу и т. д.; get behind a tree (behind a door, behind a fence, etc.) встать /спрятаться/ за дерево и т. д.; the реп got behind the bookcase ручка закаталась /попала/ за книжный шкаф; get between the sheets залезть под одеяло; he got between the boys and prevented a fight он встал между мальчишками и не дал им сцепиться; get aboard a ship подняться на борт корабля
    2) get to (abreast of, beyond, as far аs, etc.) smth. get to the end of the chapter (to the main subject, to the theme of my story, to the heart of the matter, etc.) дойти /добраться/ до конца главы и т. д.: how far did you get to? до какого места ты дочитал?; get to the head of one's class выйти на первое место в классе; стать первым учеником в классе; get to the city police (to the authorities, etc.) связаться с городской полицией и т. д.; get to some time (to some age) достигать какого-л. времени (возраста); when it gets to 10 o'clock I begin to feel tired к десяти часам я начинаю чувствовать усталость: when you get to 70... когда вам [будет] семьдесят...; get between two fighting parties оказаться /очутиться/ между двумя враждующими /борющимися/ группами; his anger has got beyond control он вышел из себя, он уже не мог сдержать гнев; he doesn't let much get by him он почти ничего не пропускает; практически ничто мимо него не проходит; you cannot easily get at him с ним не так просто связаться /увидеться/; get abreast of modem technology достичь современного уровня техники; we got as far as the lake мы дошли или доехали до озера || get in touch with smb. связаться / установить контакт/ с кем-л.
    3) get within smth. get within smb.'s reach (within the range of their fire, etc.) оказаться в пределах чьей-л. досягаемости и т. д.; get within earshot оказаться в пределах слышимости; get within their sight оказаться в поле их зрения; get out of smth. get out of smb.'s sight скрыться с чьих-л. глаз; get out of smb.'s reach оказаться для них вне пределов досягаемости; get among smb. get among friends (among enemies, among strangers, etc.) оказаться среди друзей и т. д. || get into the hands of the police попасть в руки полиции
    4) get into smth. get into a coat (into one's clothes, into one's boots, etc.) надевать пальто и т. д., get into one's trousers натянуть брюки; I can't get into these shoes, they are three sizes too small я не могу надеть эти ботинки, мне надо на три номера больше
    5) get into smth. get into business (into trade, into the movies, into politics, etc.) заняться коммерцией и т. д.; get into fights with the neighbour's children драться /вступать в драку/ с соседскими мальчишками; get into Parliament (into a party, into a club, etc.) стать членом парламента и т. д.; get into office получить /занять/ должность; Kennedy got into office in 1961 Кеннеди стал президентом в тысяча девятьсот шестьдесят первом году; get into conversation (into a dispute with smb., into correspondence, into communication, etc.) завязать разговор и т.д.; they got into quite an argument about it между ними разгорелся довольно жаркий спор
    6) get in (to) smth. get into trouble (into a difficulty, into mischief, etc.) попасть в беду и т. д.; get into debt залезть в долги; get in a row (into a horrible scrape, etc.) оказаться замешанным /ввязаться/ в скандал и т. д.; get into a bad habit приобрести плохую /дурную/ привычку; get into the habit /into the way/ of getting up early (of doing things one's own way, of answering back, etc.) привыкнуть рано вставать и т. д., get into a rage впасть в ярость; get into a panic поддаться панике; get into general use получить широкое распространение; get out of smth. get out of practice потерять навык, [давно] не иметь практики; get out of repair требовать ремонта; get out of order выйти из строя, испортиться, сломаться; get out of shape потерять форму
    7) get over (out of, through,get etc.) smth. get over a difficulty ( over an obstacle, over an impediment, etc.) преодолеть затруднение и т. д.; she couldn't get over her shyness (over her embarrassment, over her confusion, over her dislike of him, over the disinclination to work, etc.) она не могла побороть / преодолеть/ свой застенчивость и т. д.; he couldn't get over his stutter он не мог избавиться от заикания; I can't get over his abominable manners никак не могу примириться с его ужасными манерами /привыкнуть к его ужасным манерам/; get over a disappointment (over an alarm, over a surprise, etc.) прийти в себя после разочарования и т. д.; I couldn't get over his behaviour он себя так плохо вел, что я никак не мог успокоиться; I couldn't get over the fear of him я никак не мог избавиться от чувства /преодолеть чувство/ страха перед ним; get over an illness (over an ailment, over that severe cold, over an injury, etc.) оправиться от /после/ болезна и т.д., get over /out of/ a bad habit отделаться / отучиться/ от дурной привычки; get out of a difficulty выйти из затруднительного положения; there is по getting out of it, you cannot get out of it от этого не открутишься; don't try to get out of your duties не пытайтесь уклоняться от своих обязанностей; get through another bad winter (through a dangerous illness, etc.) пережить еще одну тяжелую зиму и т. д.; I don't know how I'll get through this month я не знаю, как я дотяну до конца месяца; I don't know how I got through the day не знаю, как я прожил /выдержал/ этот день; get through an exam выдержать экзамен; get through written papers написать контрольную работу; get through a driving test сдать экзамен на водительские права; how he got through college is a mystery совершенно непонятно, как он смог окончить колледж; get (a)round smth. get around the law (around the regulations, around that clause, around a difficulty, etc.) обходить закон и т. д.; there is no getting (aground this fact a) нельзя не (посчитаться с этим фактом; б) нельзя пройти мимо этого факта; get (a)round smb. coll. she can get (aground anyone она может убедить /обвести вокруг пальца/ кого хочешь /кого угодно/; she knows how to get round him она знает, как к нему подъехать
    8) get through /over/ smth. get through a lot of reading (through a lot of work, etc.) много прочитать и т.д., get through her washing (through one's homework, through this book, etc.) закончить стирку и т. д.; how could he get through all these files? как он успел просмотреть все эти папки?; get through one's task with great speed быстро выполнить свой задачу; get through a lot of correspondence ( through these books, etc.) разделаться с большим количеством писем и т. д.; get through such a lot of food (through all this meat, through a bottle of gin a week, etc.) съесть /осилить/ много всякой всячины и т. д.; get through one's fortune (through a lot of money, through L 1000 in less than a week, etc.) растратить /растранжирить, промотать/ свое состояние и т. д.
    9) get at smth., smb. get at the truth (at the facts, at the root of the trouble, at the cause of the disturbance, at the heart of things, etc.) докапываться до правды и т. д.; get at the meaning of the sentence добраться до сути этого предложения; get at the secret of his success выяснить /понять/, в чем секрет его успеха; that's what I want to get at вот в чем мне хочется разобраться, вот что мне хочется постичь; what are you getting at? coll. a) чего вы хотите?, к чему вы клоните?; б) что вы имеете в виду?; we could not tell what the speaker was getting at мы не знали /не понимали/, что имел в виду /хотел сказать/ оратор; who are you getting at? кого вы имеете в виду?, на кого вы намекаете?; were you getting at me in that last remark you made? в своем последнем замечании вы намекали на меня? /вы имели в виду меня/?; he is always getting at me coll. он вечно ко мне цепляется /придирается/
    10) get at smb. get at a witness (at a judge, at the press, etc.) подкупать свидетеля и т. д.
    15. XVII
    1) get (in)to doing smth. coll. get into sleeping in the afternoon (to fighting, etc.) взять себе за привычку спать днем и т. д.; I got to thinking that... я стал думать, что...
    2) get out of doing smth. get out of attending smth. (out of going there, out of answering, etc.) отвертеться и не пойти на какое-л. мероприятие и т. д.; get as far as doing smth. we did not get as far as discussing finances мы не дошли до обсуждения финансовых вопросов
    16. XXI1
    1) get smth. from (at, out of, etc.) smth., smb. get machinery from Europe (many commodities from abroad, etc.) получать оборудование из Европы и т. д., закупать /покупать, приобретать/ оборудование в Европе и т.д., get our things at this shop покупать /приобретать/ вещи в этом магазине; get information from the library (money from the bank, help from him, etc.) получать, сведения из библиотеки и т. д., get dinner (lunch, etc.) at the hotel (at the restaurant, at the inn, etc.) (пообедать и т. д. в гостинице и т. д.; I got this information (the news, facts. etc.) from a friend of mine (from my secretary, etc.) мне это и т. д. сообщил один приятель и т. д., я получил эти сведения и т. д. от одного приятеля и т. д.; get butter from cream получать масло из сливок; get a confession out of the prisoner ( a secret out of the woman, the truth out of the man, etc.) вытянуть / вырвать/ у заключенного признание и т. д.; get smth. for smth. get data for analysis (information for the article, new curtains for the guest-room, etc.) доставать /добывать/ данные для анализа и т. д., get material for research собирать материал для исследования: can I still get a ticket for tonight's play? можно еще достать /купить, получить/ билет на сегодняшний спектакль?; get smth. for smb. get tickets (another dictionary, this book, etc.) for him купить или заказать ему билеты и т. д.; get smth. by smth. get good results by hard work усердием /большим трудом/ добиться хороших результатов; get very little by deceit немногого добиться обманом || get hold of the manager (of the secretary, of the owner, etc.) разыскать /найти/ администратора и т. д., where did you get hold of this curious old picture? где вы раздобыли эту любопытную старую картину?; he got the start of his rivals он получил преимущество перед своими соперниками
    2) get smth. from smb. get presents from his brother (a letter from one's parents, a message from him, etc.) получать подарки от брата и т. д.; get no help (no money, no advice, etc.) from him не получать от него помощи и т. д.; you will never get anything from him от него ничего не дождешься; get his timidity from his mother унаследовать робость от матери; get smth. for smth. get a good salary for the job (a reward for his part in the affair, a medal for bravery. etc.) получать хорошую зарплату за эту работу и т. д.; what did you get for this article? сколько вам заплатили за эту статью?; get a good price for the land получить хорошую цену за землю; I will see what I can get for it посмотри, сколько я могу за это получить /выручить, взять/; get a new watch (a ring, a new hat, etc.) for one's birthday получить новые часы и т. д. [в подарок] на день рождения; get smth. out of smth. what did you get out of his lecture? что вы вынесли из его лекции?, что вам дала его лекция?; all he got out of it was disgrace это принесло ему только позор; get smth. of smb., smth. what impression did you get of him (of this play, etc.)? .какое он и т. д. на вас произвел впечатление?
    3) get smth., smb. across (from, to, etc.) smth. get smth. across the river (across the sea, across the frontier, etc.) переправить что-л. через реку и т. д.; get smb. across the street (across the bridge, across the field, etc) перевести кого-л. через улицу и т. д.; get one's hat from the other room (the books from the study, the tea-things from the kitchen, etc.) принести шляпу из другой комнаты и т. д., get down a book from the top shelf (the boy from the fence, my hat from the book, etc.) снимать книгу с верхней полки и т. д.; get a letter to London (to Paris, etc.) доставить письмо в Лондон и т. д., get the child to bed уложить ребенка в постель; get the trunk back to the garret отнести сундук обратно на чердак; get the parcel back to London снова доставить пакет в Лондон; get your TV back for this evening (for the party, etc.) принесите снова ваш телевизор на этот вечер и т. д.; the car did not get him very far on the road home он проехал на машине лишь небольшую часть дороги домой; that did not get him very far on the road to fame это весьма незначительно способствовало его продвижению по пути славы; get smth., smb. to smb., smth. how can I get these things to you? как мне переправить вам эти вещи?; get the slaves to the north переправить рабов на север
    4) get smth., smb. into (through, from, out of, etc.) smth. I can't get the key into the lock я не могу вставить ключ в замок; help me get the pig into the cart помогите мне втащить поросенка в телегу: how can I get all these books into the bag? как мне запихнуть /засунуть, впихнуть/ все эти книги в портфель?; get the piano through the door протащить пианино в дверь; get the milk from the refrigerator for me достаньте мне молока из холодильника; get smth. out of the house выносить что-л. из дома; get a cork out of a bottle вытаскивать пробку из бутылки; get stains out of a coat выводить пятна с пиджака: get these things out of the way уберите эти вещи с дороги [, чтобы они не мешали]; get the man out of the house (the dog out of the room, etc.) выводить человека из дома и т. д.: get her out of the country помочь ей уехать или вывезти ее из страны /за границу/ || get smth. into one's head вбить себе что-л. в голову: he got it into his head that everybody was persecuting him он вбил себе в голову, что его все преследуют; get smth. out of one's head выбросить что-л. из головы; get the idea (the thing, it, the notion, etc.) out of one's head выбросить эту мысль и т. д. из головы, перестать об этом думать
    5) get smb., smth. into (through) smth. get him into Parliament (into their headquarters, etc.) провести /протащить/ его в парламент и т. д.; get smb. into the firm пристроить кого-л. в эту фирму; get a bill through Parliament (this measure through the house, etc.) провести /протащить/ законопроект в парламенте и т. д., he helped me to get my luggage through the customs он помог мне пройти таможенный досмотр; get a pupil through his examination вытащить ученика на экзамене; it was his mathematics that got him through entrance examinations он выдержал приемные экзамены благодаря тому, что хорошо знал математику; get an article into a paper поместить статьи в газете; get the report into print сдать доклад в печать
    6) get smb. by smth. get smb. by the hand (by the hair, by the throat, by the wrist. etc.) схватить кого-л. за руку и т. д.: get smth., smb. on (by) smth. I get all program (me)s on my TV-set мой телевизор принимает все программы; how many stations can you get on your radio set? сколько станций берет /принимает/ ваш приемник?; I can't get him on the phone я не могу связаться с ним по телефону; get smb. by phone (by radio, etc.) связаться с кем-л. по телефону и т. д.
    7) get smb. in (on, through, etc.) smth. the bullet got him in the leg (through the stomach, in the shoulder, etc.) пуля попала ему в ногу и т. д.; the blow got him on the head (in the mouth, on the back, etc.) удар пришелся ему по голове и т. д., get smth. in smth. get a splinter in one's finger занозить палец; get a bullet in the leg получить пулевое ранение в ногу
    8) get smb. into smth. get smb. into debt (into difficulties, into a fight, etc.) вовлекать кого-л. в долги и т. д., she got me into trouble у меня из-за нее /она втравила меня в/ неприятности; get smb. out of smth. get smb. out of a fix /out of difficulty/ вызволить кого-л. из затруднения; get the children out of this habit отучать детей от этой привычки || get smth., smb. off one's hands избавиться от чего-л., кого-л., сбыть что-л., кого-л. с рук; she wished she could get the old house (the useless books, her unmarried daughter, etc.) off her hands ей хотелись избавиться /освободиться/ от старого дома и т. д. /сбыть старый дом и т. д. с рук/
    9) get smth. of smth. get 5 years of hard labour получить пять лет каторжных работ; get smth. for smth. he got a stiff sentence for his crimes за совершенные преступления ему был вынесен суровый приговор
    10) have got smth., smb. in (at, on, etc.) smth. I have /I've/ got money in the bank (a flat in this house, a friend at the studio, etc.) у меня в банке [лежат] деньги и т. д. || he's got smth., smb. on the brain он все время о чем-л., о ком-л. думает
    17. XXII
    get smth. by doing smth. that's what you get by talking too much вот что ты получаешь /вот как ты расплачиваешься/ за болтливость; get a good price by bargaining поторговаться и получить хорошую цену; get smth. for doing smth. you'll get a beating for doing this тебе за это всыпят; you'll get it for breaking that vase! тебе крепко достанется за то, что ты разбил вазу!
    18. XXIV1
    get smth., smb. as smth. get L 10 as reward (a book as a consolation prize, the newcomer as assistant, etc.) получить десять фунтов в качестве вознаграждения и т. д.; I got this book as a present я получил эту книгу в подарок; we get L 20 as the average мы получаем в среднем двадцать фунтов
    19. XXVI
    get smb., smth. before... (when..., etc.) get him before he escapes схватить его до того, как он скроется; get the book when the price is reduced купить книгу, когда ее уценят

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > get

См. также в других словарях:

  • Paris — /par is/; for 2 also Fr. /pann rddee /, n. 1. Matthew. See Matthew of Paris. 2. Ancient, Lutetia Parisiorum, Parisii /peuh riz ee uy /. a city in and the capital of France and capital of Ville de Paris Department, in the N part, on the Seine.… …   Universalium

  • The Man in Grey (novel) — Infobox Book | name = The Man in Grey title orig = translator = image caption = Cover of the 1918 First Edition author = Baroness Orczy illustrator = cover artist = country = UK language = English series = genre = Historical novel publisher =… …   Wikipedia

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  • The Big Lebowski — Theatrical release poster Directed by Joel Coen Ethan Coen (Uncredited) …   Wikipedia

  • The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Master and Margarita —   …   Wikipedia

  • House (TV series) — House Also known as House, M.D. Format Medical drama Mystery Dramedy …   Wikipedia

  • The Amazing Race 10 — Season run September 17, 2006 – December 10, 2006 Filming dates May 27, 2006 – June 24, 2006 No. of episodes 13 Winning team Tyler Denk James Branaman Continents visited …   Wikipedia

  • The Real Housewives of D.C. — The Real Housewives of D.C. Format Reality television Starring Mary Schmidt Amons Lynda Erkiletian Stacie Turner Catherine Ommanney Michaele Salahi Country of origin United States Language(s) English …   Wikipedia

  • The Odd Couple (TV series) — The Odd Couple Title card from the first season (note the Neil Simon credit in the title) Format Sitcom Starring …   Wikipedia

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